Saturday, November 10, 2012

Getting Started

So, I've had an account since 2011? Who knew? Anywho, I'm blogging! Ayyee! *pelvic thrusts* k...enough. What will I blog about? Things my ADD infested mind can thinks of. So, mostly nail polish MAKEUP! Preferably, cheap makeup. Why? Simply because I'm broke. I'm always broke. Quite frankly, most people I know are broke. Nevertheless, I believe a chick can put her best FACE fwd, no matter the lint collecting in her pocket. Let's be broke with SEEMINGLY expensive tastes! Now, I must note that everything won't be under $10 or even $20. Unfortunately, the best products to use for certain looks and skin types are more pricey. For example, I'm not the girl w/ the pretty skin underneath her foundation. I have extremely oily, freckled, spotted, uneven, large pored skin....heavy on the extremely oily :/ Some of the products I use are more expensive because they are the best correctors for my issues. However, I do make it a habit to search for cheaper alternatives before resorting to the top of the line stuff. I also want to note that I am by no means an expert on anything. I happen to be handy w/ a crease brush & can create new nail art like nobody's biz but there are far more talented artists than me. Although I do freelance as a MUA sometimes, I am my own canvas, forever learning and much rather be taught! So, once I learn how to get this here thing rolling, I'm hoping for input! Collect your pennies & Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

Poetikmind said...

Umm and soo this is whyyy I will be checking this spot out. I love expensive makeup but um sometimes you gotta use what you have ;)