Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12 Days of Christmas-Day 2

Here's Day 2 of 12 Days of Christmas...I never know what my inspiration is until I sit in front of the mirror.......nope that's a lie...until I actually start applying the paint is more like it lol...so I grabbed some blues and white golds and thought CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT??

Darker brow today...and tho the camera doesn't do it justice, A pretty shimmery gold lipstick on the lips with a dab of a white gold shadow in the center. Also used the white gold underneath the eye instead of a liner 

My new winter fave blush- MAC's Amber Rosing...its so red and shiny...And since I'm so 80s, I extended the color upward twd my temples. Warning tho, if you have large pores on the cheeks like I do, I'd be careful of shimmery blushes. The shimmer will attract attention to them. However, as you can see, I couldn't care less...my messy skin gives me character, as youtuber EnkoreMakeup would say. *facetious face* lol *Side note: There are products that will reduce the size of pores, but I always run out of them quick :/ We'll save that for another time*

I've been in the mood for heavy eye and subtle lips lately...or vice-versa. I think its best to keep one simple if the other is bold...unless I'm playing drag ;)

 Hope ya likey!

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